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Some people think that hell will be a fun place, and that all their friends will be there. They think it will be one big party with no rules and anything goes….


The Bible makes it very clear that hell is a place
of dreadful torment. There will be no friends there, because there will be none of the qualities that
produce friendship – things like faithfulness, loyalty, love, acceptance will all have been overwhelmed
by evil. There will be nothing but hate, anger and separation.

If you believe you are going to spend eternity in
this dreadful place, you obviously know that you’re a sinner, and you don’t need anyone to tell you.

What you may not realize is that every person on earth is also a sinner. But God has provided a way for sinners – even the very worst of sinners – to come to Him and be cleansed and forgiven and made new, and be able to know that they will spend eternity in heaven with Him.


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